Principles of Industrial Chemistry Chris A. Clausen III & GuyMattson The first book specifically designed to help theacademically trained chemist make the transition to the real worldof industry. It uses process development as a general theme toprovide information normally acquired only through on-the-jobtraining. The authors trace an industrial chemical process fromidea stage to fully operational plant, discuss concepts in unitoperation and their applications, and deal with such subjects asmaterial accounting, energy accounting, mass transport, heattransfer, principles of kinetics, separation methods,instrumentation, economic concepts, and patent procedures. Avaluable overview and insight into the industry. 1978 The Chemistryof Silica Solubility, Polymerization, Colloid and SurfaceProperties, and Biochemistry Ralph K. Iler Silica, the majorcomponent of the earth’s solid surface, the constituent of ordinarysand, and an essential material in many forms of life, is involvedin many phases of modern technology and science. Its role in humandisease, aging, and health is just beginning to be explored. Hereis a comprehensive account of the basic chemistry involved in awide range of research and development activities. Also a wealth ofinformation on production and production control. Anyone involvedwith R&D or production in the many diverse fields andindustries in which silica plays a vital role–chemistry, biology,medicine, agriculture, metallurgy, and mining–will find this bookan invaluable reference. 1979 Fourth Edition of Faith, Keyes &Clark’s Industrial Chemicals Frederick A. Lowenheim &Marguerite K. Moran The latest updated edition of a manual whosepopularity for a quarter-century attests to its usefulness as ahandy reference–a concise, quick-study source of essentialinformation on 145 commonly used chemicals. For each of them, thebook covers such subjects as reaction and yield or recovery;material and energy requirements by quantities; detailedexplanation of the process involved (with illustrations and flowdiagram); uses of the end product and important by-products;economics of production; specifics on properties, grades,containers and regulations; list of manufacturers and plantlocations; and volume of production and price ranges over the pasttwo decades. A valuable time-saver. 1975
Chemistry and Technology of Lime and Limestone
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