
Enterprise Risk Management


Today’s Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow’s Executives

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ISBN: 9781119741480 Category:

<p><b>Unlock the incredible potential of enterprise risk management&nbsp;</b></p> <p>There has been much evolution in terms of ERM best practices, experience, and standards&nbsp;and&nbsp;regulation over the past decade.&nbsp;<i>Enterprise Risk Management: Today&rsquo;s Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow&rsquo;s Executives, Second Edition</i>&nbsp;is&nbsp;the revised and updated essential guide to the now immensely popular topic of&nbsp;enterprise&nbsp;risk management&nbsp;(ERM).&nbsp;With contributions from&nbsp;leading academics and practitioners,&nbsp;this book offers&nbsp;insights into what practitioners are doing&nbsp;and&nbsp;what&nbsp;the future holds. You&rsquo;ll discover&nbsp;how you can&nbsp;implement best practices, improve ERM tools and techniques, and even learn to teach ERM.&nbsp;Retaining the holistic approach to ERM that made the first edition such a success, this new edition adds coverage of new topics including cybersecurity&nbsp;risk,&nbsp;ERM in government,&nbsp;foreign&nbsp;exchange&nbsp;risk, risk appetite,&nbsp;innovation risk,&nbsp;outsourcing risk,&nbsp;scenario planning,&nbsp;&nbsp;climate change risk,&nbsp;and much more.&nbsp;&nbsp;In addition,&nbsp;the new edition includes important updates and enhancements to topics covered in the first edition; so much of it has been revised and enhanced that it is essentially&nbsp;an entirely&nbsp;new book.&nbsp;</p> <p><i>Enterprise Risk Management</i>&nbsp;introduces you to the concepts and techniques&nbsp;that allow you to&nbsp;identify&nbsp;risks and prioritize the appropriate responses. This invaluable guide offers a broad overview, covering key issues&nbsp;while focusing on the principles that&nbsp;drive effective&nbsp;decision making and&nbsp;determine&nbsp;business success. This comprehensive resource also&nbsp;provides a thorough introduction to&nbsp;ERM&nbsp;as it relates to credit, market, and operational risk, as well as the evolving requirements of&nbsp;the board of directors&rsquo; role in overseeing ERM.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Through the comprehensive chapters and leading research and best practices covered, this book:&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>Provides a holistic overview of key topics in ERM, including&nbsp;the role of the chief risk officer,&nbsp;development and use of&nbsp;key&nbsp;risk indicators&nbsp;and&nbsp;the&nbsp;risk-based&nbsp;allocation of resources&nbsp;</li> <li>Contains second-edition updates covering additional material related to teaching ERM,&nbsp;risk frameworks, risk culture, credit and market risk,&nbsp;risk workshops and risk profiles&nbsp;and much more.&nbsp; Over 90% of the content from the first edition has been revised or enhanced</li> <li>Reveals how you can prudently apply ERM&nbsp;best&nbsp;practices&nbsp;within the context of your underlying business activities&nbsp;</li> </ul> <p>Filled with helpful&nbsp;examples,&nbsp;tables,&nbsp;and&nbsp;illustrations,&nbsp;<i>Enterprise Risk Management, Second Edition</i>&nbsp;offers a wealth of knowledge on the drivers, the techniques, the benefits, as well as the pitfalls to avoid, in successfully implementing&nbsp;ERM.&nbsp;</p>