[HEADLINE] <p><b>An Exploratory Work on the Process of Generating EM Waves with Antennas and Targets</b> [BODY COPY] <p>In <i>How Antennas Radiate and Targets Scatter Electromagnetic Fields: Radiation Concepts in Engineering Electromagnetics</i>, two well-qualified and experienced authors provide a comprehensive blueprint to understanding the difficult-to-grasp physical phenomenon of EM waves. Specifically, the goal of the work is to provide the reader with a conceptual basis for thinking about and understanding EM radiation. This goal is accomplished by describing an alternative to a rigorous mathematical formalism that may obscure the physical reality of radiation processes. The approach taken in the work seeks to provide maximum relevance regarding how engineers routinely model and design radiating structures as boundary-value problems. <p>Rather than developing and presenting a formal theoretical foundation of electromagnetic theory, this book instead focuses on various aspects of EM radiation from a variety of different perspectives. Some of the topics covered include: <ul> <li>The e-field kink model, time-domain results for a simple wire object, and time-domain energy flow and radiation from a straight wire and circular loop</li> <li>Additional results for time-domain radiation and radiation from a matched load in the time domain</li> <li>Development of TDFARS and TWTD, TDFARS results, development of FDFARS and NEC, and FDFARS results</li> <li>Radiation decay of frequency-domain power flow, comparing results from FDFARS and TDFARS, and radiation phenomena and poles</li></ul><p>Students and teachers of electromagnetics will find value in the work by being able to better holistically conceptualize the complicated phenomenon of EM waves. Research engineers in related industries may also benefit from the work and be able to use the concepts therein to fuel innovation in both the public and private sectors.
How Antennas Radiate and Targets Scatter Electromagnetic Fields
Radiation Concepts in Engineering Electromagnetics
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