Ask the Experts: Genetic Modification: Should Humans Control Nature?


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Genetic Modification explores this most topical of scientific issues, from the genetic modification of plants and food crops through to the modification of animals. It explores the moral issues surrounding GM, offering debates and expert opinion. It also looks at how the latest cutting-edge technology in the field will in the future open up an entirely new world of potential modification, and the issues that surround it.Is our planet’s population out of control? What is the future of the global economy? Are we playing God with genetic modification? How secure is the global positioning system and who is tracking you? In Ask the Experts discover some of the most topical issues facing people today and read expert opinions on each subject. Once you have ‘asked the experts’, become an expert yourself and use the knowledge you have learned to make up your own mind about our future. An investigative series for children aged 9+.]]>



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