Dead Man in Barcelona


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ISBN: 9781472126092 Category:

Barcelona, 1912. A city still recovering from the dramatic incidents of the so-called ‘Tragic Week’ when Catalonian conscripts bound for the unpopular war in Spanish Morocco had rebelled at the city’s dockside against the royalist forces. In the fighting, many were killed, and afterwards, even more put in prison. Including an Englishman, who was later found dead in his cell.The dead man had been a prominent businessman in Gibraltar, so what had he been doing in Barcelona? What part did he play in the illicit three-way trade between Gibraltar, Spanish Morocco and Barcelona? And just how did he really meet his end – murdered, in a prison cell?The case, in Gibraltar’s view, crys out for investigation – and by someone independent of the Spanish authorities. So Scotland Yard are summoned to send out one of their men – but who? Seymour ticks all the right boxes – he has experience of the tangled diplomatic world of that part of the Mediterranean. He speaks foreign languages. And possibly most importantly of all – he grew up near the docks of London’s East End so with any luck, knows how to swim if pushed in the water…PRAISE FOR MICHAEL PEARCE’S A DEAD MAN IN… SERIES’His sympathetic portrayal of an unfamiliar culture, impeccable historical detail and entertaining dialogue make enjoyable reading.’ Sunday Telegraph’The steady pace, atmospheric design, and detailed description re-create a complicated city. Arecommended historical series.’ Library Journal’Sheer fun.’ The Times]]>



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