Do Your Ears Pop in Space? and 500 Other Surprising Questions about Space Travel


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“An excellent reference. This book has to be on the shelf of everyspace buff.” –James Lovell, Commander, Apollo 13.<br> <br> Get the inside story on outer space from three-time shuttleastronaut R. Mike Mullane.<br> <br> “A fascinating collection of honest, factual, from-the-heartanswers to the most often asked questions about spaceflight andspacefliers. Required reading for all who aspire to travel inspace.” –Kathy Thornton, 4-mission Shuttle Astronaut, World RecordHolder for Spacewalks by a Woman.<br> <br> “A brilliant addition to the understanding of space flight. Only aman who has been there–outer space–and done that–fly the SpaceShuttle–could render the complexities of flying in space solucidly.” –Walter J. Boyne, Colonel, USAF (Ret.), Former Director,National Air and Space Museum.<br> <br> “A highly informative inside view of what astronauts reallyexperience in space.” –Ed Buckbee, Former Director, U.S. Space& Rocket and U.S. Space Camp.<br> <br> “All astronauts have been peppered with great questions. MikeMullane has great answers.” –Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, U.S.Navy (Ret.), Columbia 1981, Challenger 1983, NASA Administrator1989-1992.