Duke To Remember


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ISBN: 9781455563371 Category:

Celebrated actress Elise deVries is a chameleon. Her talent for slipping seamlessly into every role has captivated London audiences since her stage debut at sixteen. Elise’s ability to morph into any manner of person has also served her incredibly well in her secondary occupation–at White Knights & Associates, known throughout London for smoothing over the most dire of scandals.Fifteen years ago, Noah Ellery walked away from a life of titled privilege and has never once glanced back. He was happy to be shed of the burden of public life, and no one else seemed very eager to drag him back to it. Until now. When the beautiful and enigmatic Elise shows up on Noah’s doorstep, her request for his help ends the peaceful refuge he’s built for himself. With a fortune and a life hanging in the balance, Noah must decide whether he will continue to hide safely away or accept Elise’s offer and become the man he thought he’d forsaken forever.]]>



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