
First 20 Hours


How to Learn Anything … Fast

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WANT TO LEARN TO PAINT, PLAY THE PIANO, LAUNCH A BUSINESS, OR SPEAK A NEW LANGUAGE?Then pick up this book and set aside twenty hours to go from knowing nothing to performing like a pro. That’s it.Josh Kaufman, author of international bestseller The Personal MBA, has developed a unique approach to mastering anything fast.You’ll learn how to:*Focus energy on acquiring key skill sets*Eliminate obstacles and discover critical tools*Work against the clock to get better fastKaufman shows how to break complexity into simple tasks, make the very best of your limited time and solve unexpected problems. In The First 20 Hours you’ll learn how to acquire any skill in record time – and have a lot of fun along the way.’In this inspiring little book, Josh Kaufman argues that you can get good enough at anything to enjoy yourself in just 20 hours. All that’s standing between you and playing the ukulele is your TV time for the next two weeks’ – Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast’Lots of books promise to change your life. This one actually will’ -Seth Godin]]>
