Gladiator Boy: Dead or Alive


Three Stories in One Collection 3

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Five old friends, one dangerous new enemy … and a voice from beyond the grave! Decimus Rex may have escaped slavery, but he cannot escape his destiny! Vs The Living DeadDecimus Rex reunites with his five friends to follow a message sent to them all from Teo – a friend they know to be dead. It begs them to risk dangers and rescue him. Is it really from Teo, or is the evil Slavious Doom behind it? The only way to find out is to work out what it means …Vs The Raging TorrentDecimus Rex and his four friends sail to China on the trail of the Golden Warrior and in search of Teo, but they are captured by the King of Yelang and imprisoned in his Water Maze. Will they ever escape?Vs The Three NinjasThe five friends now have a new enemy – three ninjas, the most deadly warriors in Japan. But Decimus Rex and his friends won’t give in that easily.]]>

