
Last Bus to Woodstock


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ISBN: 9781447299073 Category:

Last Bus to Woodstock is the novel that began Colin Dexter’s phenomenally successful Inspector Morse series.’Do you think I’m wasting your time, Lewis?’ Lewis was nobody’s fool and was a man of some honesty and integrity. ‘Yes, sir.’ An engaging smile crept across Morse’s mouth. He thought they could get on well together . . .’The death of Sylvia Kaye figured dramatically in Thursday afternoon’s edition of the Oxford Mail. By Friday evening Inspector Morse had informed the nation that the police were looking for a dangerous man – facing charges of wilful murder, sexual assault and rape.But as the obvious leads fade into twilight and darkness, Morse becomes more and more convinced that passion holds the key . . .Last Bus to Woodstock is followed by the second Inspector Morse book, Last Seen Wearing.]]>

