Prehistoric Adventures: Stone Circles


Discover Stone, Bronze and Iron Age Britain

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Get ready for a prehistoric adventure! Our journey starts with world-famous Stonehenge: find out where the stones came from and how such enormous blocks were moved. Britain is jam-packed with these mysterious stone circles, and exploring them can tell us about the culture, society, technology and beliefs of our earliest ancestors. It’s time to get out your magnifying glass and examine the real artefacts that archaeologists have discovered, from mystical stone carvings to the weapons of an ancient warrior!Stone circles are astounding landmarks scattered over the British Isles. Not only do they provide beauty and wonder, but they remain a Stone Age mystery. It’s time to examine them more closely, taking a look at why they were built, where they were built and how their locations were chosen, who built them, and how they were made using the simplest technology and lots of manpower!Learn about Stonehenge, Avebury, Long Meg and her Daughters, Callanish and many more stone circles that can be found across Britain and give evidence of the lives of prehistoric people. There are four titles in the Prehistoric Adventures series, looking at stone circles, ancient settlements, burial places and hill forts.]]>

