<i>Rapid Neurology and Neurosurgery</i> is a must for all medical students and junior doctors – it is a quick and easy on-the-ward or clinic reference and the perfect revision tool for those approaching finals, undergraduate neurology and neurosurgery examinations, and the Membership of Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) examinations. <p>It provides a concise, structured approach to neurology and neurosurgery learning, covering key facts in a simple and memorable way:<br /><b>Part I – The Basics</b> – features the basic principles and facts essential for a good understanding of neurology and neurosurgery and includes sections on relevant neuroanatomy; neurological history and examination; and investigations including neurophysiology and neuroradiology. MRI and CT scans are included throughout the text.<br /><b>Part II – Complaints: face to face with the patient</b> – features OSCE-style and the viva-voce examination preparation and has chapters on presenting complaints with relevant and selected questions to ask for establishing the differential diagnoses (presented in a table) with basic investigations and management.<br /><b>Part III – Conditions: applying the basics</b> – presents important clinical conditions with sections on definition; epidemiology; aetiology; associations/risk factors; pathology; history; examination; investigations; management; complications; prognosis and a list of differential diagnoses usually in a table with general clinical information and distinguishing information to exclude the alternative diagnoses.</p> <p>Each chapter also includes key points to remember and highlights key facts.</p> <p><i>Rapid Neurology and Neurosurgery</i> contains only the essential, core, and relevant facts in a concise, pocket-sized, ‘rapid’ refresher providing a thorough foundation of neurology and neurosurgery knowledge allowing you to excel in the examinations.</p>
Rapid Neurology and Neurosurgery
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