Ruby Slippers


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ISBN: 9781472108081 Category:

Old Rosa the bag lady shuffles along the streets of New York, silent, stinking and shunned.After she suffers a terrible accident, her nephew Michael is called upon to visit her squalid apartment and from in among her reeking piles of junk, he unearths something that hints at a Rosa he can barely imagine: an original pair of the ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz.The slippers soon become an irresistible beacon to the misplaced hopes and darkest desires of friends, family and foe. But who will stop to learn the remarkable story behind Rosa’s ‘Ruby Millions’?Bursting with atmosphere, invention and an unforgettable cast of characters, The Ruby Slippers is a sweeping tale of hidden treasures, forgotten histories, lost connections and the search for real meaning.]]>



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