Sales Mastery


The Sales Book Your Competition Doesn’t Want You to Read

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Distinguish yourself as a “Sales Master” and win big in business today! <p>Your personal and professional distinctions are THE precursor to closing the deal. Why? Because most salespeople are not distinctive-all they do is follow one another.</p> <p><i>Sales Mastery</i> gives you Chuck Bauer’s unique personal experience as a highly successful salesman turned sales coach. You’ll connect with his methodology, proven by salespeople in every industry, to distinguish yourself, build your sales skills, and win deals again and again.</p> <ul> <li>Each chapter focuses on one important quality of salesmanship enabling you to actualize your potential as a prosperous seller</li> <li>Includes tips for mastering sales presentations, phone pitches, customer objections, and closing strategies</li> <li>Learn how to market yourself shamelessly, close sales according to your clients’ dominant personality styles, and make prospects chase you</li> <li>Author is a nationally recognized sales trainer and coach</li> </ul> <p><i>Sales Mastery</i> gives you the toolset to break away from the pack to be the sales leader you always wanted to be… and reap the bigger commission checks that result!</p>