Senseless Acts of Beauty


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ISBN: 9781455572878 Category:

A towel with a faded camp logo is the only clue that 14-year-old Sadie Winters has to the identity of her birth mother. So she travels to the camp in the Adirondacks, determined to find the woman who gave her up for adoption.Having given up her daughter at birth, Tess Hendrick has nonetheless kept tabs on the young girl. Tipped off that she has run away, most likely to the camp in Pine Lake, Tess returns to the town she swore never to set foot in again, ready to come face-to-face with the girl she has only seen in social media pictures.All Tess wants is to protect her daughter from the harsh truth about her conception. But when a police officer reveals that advances in DNA testing have allowed him to identify the rapist, Tess is presented with the man’s name and his address. And a life-altering dilemma.]]>



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