Store Location and Assessment Research


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ISBN: 9780471903819 Category:

Store Location and Store Assessment Research Edited by R. L. DaviesUniversity of Newcastle, UK and D. S. Rogers D. S. R. MarketingSystems Inc., Illinois, USA An invaluable book to students andpractitioners in marketing and retailing. This book looks at storelocation and store assessment research on both sides of theAtlantic from an academic and a practical retailing point of view,and in doing so attempts to fill a gap in an area which has beenhitherto poorly documented. It is also an area in which theory andpractice have rarely interrelated. This book endeavours to marrythe academic contributions that have been made from a largelytheoretical perspective to a series of business experiences thathave been conducted in practice. In an age of relative storesaturation and an abundance of shopping centres accurate storelocation research and store location assessment is not onlyadvisable but essential. In recent years a coalescence of needs anda sharing of ideas has transpired between the USA and the UK andhas provided a rationale for this collection of Anglo-Americanessays which give a balanced view of the theory and the practicethat make up the subject. Contents IntroductionPart I: The retailSetting<br> * Trends in Retailing and Consumer Behaviour<br> * The Urban Pattern of Retailing<br> * The Impact of the Development Process<br> Part II: The Statistical Base<br> * General Sources of Information<br> * Developing a Strategic Planning Data Base<br> * Market Appraisals<br> * Site Appraisals<br> Part III: Methodology and techniques.<br> * Store Location Strategies<br> * Store Assessment Procedures<br> * Traditional Methods of Sales Forecasting<br> * Modern Methods of Sales Forecasting<br> * Evaluating Retail Trading Performances<br> <br> Concluding Comments