Storm Watchers


The Turbulent History of Weather Prediction from Franklin’s Kite to El Niño

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ISBN: 9780471381082 Category:

A lively, inspiring account of the pioneers who sought toaccurately predict the weather<br> <br> Benjamin Franklin . . . James P. Espy . . . Cleveland Abbe . . .Carl-Gustaf Rossby . . . Jule G. Charney . . . just a few of theremarkable individuals who struggled against formidable odds tounderstand the atmosphere and predict the weather. Where they sawpatterns and processes, others saw randomness and tumult-and yetthey strove to make their voices heard, often saving lives in theprocess.<br> <br> Storm Watchers takes you on a fascinating journey through time thatcaptures the evolution of weather forecasting. From the age whenmeteorology was considered one step removed from sorcery to themodern-day wizardry of supercomputers, John Cox introduces you tothe pioneering scientists whose work fulfilled an ancient dream andmade it possible to foretell the future. He tells the little-knownstories of these weathermen, such as Ptolemy’s weather predictionsbased on astrology, John Finley’s breakthrough research inidentifying tornadoes, and Tor Bergeron’s new techniques of weatherforecasting, which contributed to its final worldwideacceptance.<br> <br> Filled with extraordinary tales of bravery and sacrifice, StormWatchers will make you think twice the next time you turn on thelocal news to catch the weather report.