

Number 2 in series

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ISBN: 9781455544707 Category:

Grace King fell in love with Jax Anderson, her big brother’s best friend, when she was six years old. Eleven-year-old Jax came to her rescue when some older boys were bullying her, becoming Grace’s knight in scuffed-up sneakers on the spot.Eighteen years later, Jax is the town Sheriff and Grace is the head baker at her grandmother’s cafe. They are all grown up – and still pretending there’s nothing between them. But when a heated argument at the Sleepy Sheep bar turns into a heated makeout session, the days of denying their attraction are over.Now the whole town is buzzing about Jax and Grace, and not all the buzz is good. Grace’s family is no stranger to scandal, and when a new secret about her parents is revealed not even Jax can protect her. As the rumours and accusations fly, can they hold on to their new relationship?]]>



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