In the world of Asgard, living among Odin, Thor and Loki are the Valkyries of legend. Norse goddesses, reapers of souls from human battlefields – they have the power to cause death with just one touch. Fourteen-year-old Freya is a Valkyrie – but she has not followed in the footsteps of the legends before her. She has been to the World of Man to befriend humans – and not to reap their souls. Now she must return to the World of Man on a new quest to track down the runaway Valkyrie of legend. There she will discover a dark secret that leads her to the Land of the Frost Giants where she must take on new enemies. But this time she has friends to rely on, and lots more to gain. Enter a new Valkyrie legend …’Kate O’Hearn serves up a winning mix of modern adventure and classic fantasy.’ Rick Riordan, author of Percy Jackson]]>
Valkyrie: The Runaway
Book 2
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ISBN: 9781444916607
Categories: Children's / Teenage fiction and true stories, For all educational levels, For specific national or regional educational curricula
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