Welcome To My Worlds!


The Dread Decades of Wallace Arnold

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ISBN: 9780099259312 Category:

Listeners to Radio Four have long reserved a very special place in the hearts for Wallace Arnold. For over four decades, he has delighted his ever-increasing band of followers with his sparkling mixture of wit and wisdom. A regular panellist on Any Questions, Stop the Week and Just a Minute, the occassional host of You and Yours, Wallace Arnold has also long been the Housewives’ Favourite on Woman’s Hour. In Welcome to my Worlds! Wallace Arnold takes us behind the scenes of the worlds of politics, high society, the literary life and the wireless, in all of which he continues to play a crucial role. Why was Sir Robin Day seen in the bar of the Garrick Club dressed as Widow Twankey? In what year did John Bratby paint Lord Goodman naked on an ironing board? How did Major Ronald Ferguson gain his role as the headmistress in the remake of the classic St Trinian’s comedy series? In a series of marvellously erudite and entertaining vignetters, Wallace Arnold answers all these questions and many more.]]>
